Night Ninja

Night Ninja is an immersive stealth action game that places players in the shoes of a skilled and mysterious ninja operating under the cover of darkness.

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About Night Ninja

Night Ninja is an immersive stealth action game that places players in the shoes of a skilled and mysterious ninja operating under the cover of darkness. Set in a sprawling, neon-lit city with a blend of modern and traditional Japanese architecture, the game offers a unique mix of traditional ninja skills and cutting-edge technology.


In a city ruled by corrupt corporations and shadowy organizations, the player takes on the role of an elite ninja tasked with bringing justice to the night. As a Night Ninja, your mission is to uncover the dark secrets that plague the city and dismantle the criminal empires from within.


  1. Stealth and Infiltration: Navigate through highly detailed urban environments, avoiding security cameras, guards, and advanced security systems. Use the cover of darkness, climb buildings, and employ traditional ninja techniques to remain undetected.

  2. Combat: Engage in intense, fast-paced combat when stealth is no longer an option. Utilize a variety of weapons, including traditional ninja tools like shurikens and a katana, as well as high-tech gadgets acquired during the missions.

  3. Upgrade System: Progress through the game to earn experience points and unlock new abilities. Customize your ninja with upgrades to enhance stealth, combat, and technological skills. Adapt your playstyle to fit the challenges presented in each mission.

  4. Story-driven Missions: Unravel a captivating narrative filled with twists and turns as you delve into the secrets of the city. Encounter memorable characters, each with their motivations and backgrounds, as you work to uncover the truth.

  5. Dynamic Night and Day Cycle: Experience a dynamic world that changes based on the time of day. Use the cover of darkness to your advantage, but be aware that enemies may adapt their strategies as the sun rises.

Night Ninja offers players a thrilling combination of traditional ninja elements and modern, high-tech stealth action. Whether you prefer to slip through the shadows undetected or engage in heart-pounding combat, this game provides a rich and immersive experience for fans of the stealth-action genre.

How to play Night Ninja

Using Mouse and Keyboard

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