Arguably the most popular and longest-running video game franchise in history, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) was a series of home video...

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Arguably the most popular and longest-running video game franchise in history, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) was a series of home video game consoles developed by Nintendo. The system was first released in North America and Europe in 2001 as part of the Pokémon franchise. This article covers everything you need to know about the SNES. Subsequent installments will explore the gaming world from before and after the initial release of this system. Read on to find out more about this beloved console and its predecessor, the Famicom Disk Imager (FFI), which later became home console revisions of other popular games such as Super Mario Bros., Zelda, and Final

I’m a quick study machine. When I’m not playing games, I’ll also do research or take notes on anything and everything. But when it comes to playing games, my speed lags that of most other people. Especially arcade games. It's not just the graphics or sound that make me want to play an arcade game but the atmosphere as well. It's not just about the fast paced action but about the atmosphere surrounding it as well. This is where Square Enix's crowdfunding site for their new VR game called Arcadia comes in

Get ready to think out of the box with this brand-new, fun and intense game called Excavating a Lost City. Use your mouse to explore the environment and interact with other players in order to find treasure. An exciting new take on adventure games, Excavating a Lost City is all about strategy, tactics, planning and timing. This is a fast-paced action game where you have to work together in order to survive. Get ready for a life-altering experience where you have to plan, strategize and execute moves

Today’s kids like to play games. They love to explore new places and learn about different things. So, which arcade game is right for these kids? In this article, we take a quick look at some of the top children's titles available in the US and abroad. We also take a look at other great choices for parents looking for fun for their children. Make sure you read all the way through before making your final

Apex shooter game with a fun mix of action and psychological thriller. Get ready for a thrilling journey through environments filled with traps and bloody clashes of guns! Race your way through 20 levels of pseudo-mystical platforming, hidden objects and puzzle solving in an arcade style setting. Will you survive? Play the latest version of this classic arcade game to find

How to play

Using Mouse


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