Super Oliver World

Super Oliver World is a classic platformer that takes players on an exciting adventure through a parallel world filled with challenges, enemies, and puzzles.

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About Super Oliver World

Super Oliver World is a classic platformer that takes players on an exciting adventure through a parallel world filled with challenges, enemies, and puzzles. The game follows the journey of a character named Oliver, who must navigate through various levels to escape this alternate reality and return home.


Character: Players control Oliver, a determined and agile character with a variety of movements such as running, jumping, and climbing.

Levels: The game features a series of side-scrolling levels, each with distinct themes and obstacles. Players must guide Oliver from the start to the end of each level while overcoming traps and enemies.

Obstacles: Levels are designed with different types of obstacles like moving platforms, spikes, pits, and environmental hazards.

Enemies: The parallel world is teeming with unique enemies that Oliver must either avoid or defeat using power-ups or clever strategies.

Power-ups: Throughout the levels, players can discover power-ups that grant temporary abilities, such as increased speed, temporary invincibility, or enhanced jumping.

Puzzles: Some levels incorporate puzzles that players must solve to progress. These puzzles could involve manipulating switches, moving objects, or navigating mazes.

Boss Battles: At the end of certain stages, players face challenging boss battles that require skill and strategy to defeat.
Graphics and Art Style:

The game features vibrant and colorful pixel art, reminiscent of classic platformers from the 8-bit and 16-bit eras. Each level has a distinct visual theme, ranging from lush forests to eerie dungeons, enhancing the sense of exploration and variety.

Sound and Music:

The game's soundtrack complements the gameplay with catchy tunes that evolve to match the mood of each level. Sound effects enhance the immersive experience, whether it's the satisfying sound of collecting coins or the whimsical noises of enemies.


The storyline revolves around Oliver finding himself trapped in a parallel world, a place brimming with danger and mystery. As players progress through the levels, they uncover fragments of the narrative through subtle environmental storytelling and interactions with non-playable characters.


Super Oliver World captures the essence of classic platformers, offering engaging gameplay, challenging levels, and a captivating world to explore. With its blend of action, puzzle-solving, and exploration, the game aims to provide players with an enjoyable and nostalgic gaming experience reminiscent of beloved retro titles.

How to play Super Oliver World

Using Mouse and Keyboard

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